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Ecomex do Brasil

Created to enable Brazilian companies to compete for new spaces in digital environments around the world.


crafts around the world

Let's take our local artists to become recognized in the world.


CFI warehouse in the USA

Our first HQ in the US will be in Florida, it will serve as a base for our customers' products to be safe and ready to be sent to the points of sale.


International Observatory

Still under development, the observatory will provide a major advance in the Brazilian commercial open data system.


Standardization of export processes for sales on marketplaces in other countries

We want to make Brazilian sellers ready and independent to sell imported products.


Brazil imports

We want to make Brazilian sellers ready and independent to sell imported products.

Captura de tela 2023-07-10 104024.png

China office

We want to make Brazilian sellers ready and independent to sell imported products.

Imagem do WhatsApp de 2022-12-12 à(s) 10.12.39.jpg

China office

We want to make Brazilian sellers ready and independent to sell imported products.


international missions

We want to make Brazilian sellers ready and independent to sell imported products.

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